Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bloggus intterruptus

I've decided to give blogging another go. I've ummed and aahd, but all in all I still want to do it. I've still got misgivings about it, but it's probaly a useful discipine for me. It won't always be great, but I will give it my best shot.

I've now been in post for a couple of months, and it has been a really positive start. There is so much potential, a lot of great people, and quite a lot of coffee!

For anyone who might be interestd in what I'm up to, my role seems to be panning into 3 main areas;

- schools work - co-ordinating, developing and delivering accross the West End.
- Church work - working with volunteers and young leaders to support, equip and
help make the youth work integrated and sustinable accross the West End.
- 'fresh expressions,' - this is the fuzziest bit! The thinking is that there are likely to be young people who want to explore and develop their faith - but who woud struggle to identify with the expression of Church currently available. It seems that a 'youth church,' has been tried and not worked, so that whole area is one big question mark - but currently all the more interesting for it!!

I'm still very aware of how life used to be - settling into a new place hasn't always been easy, but slowly roots are pushing in, and new bonds are being made.

P.S. if i used to link to you, but the links have disappeared, they will go up again soon - once i remember how to do it!


Blogger Sarah Brush said...

Hey you!

Great to see you back in the blogosphere!

I'm the fresh expressions co-ordinator for All Saints so we could chat through all that some time (not on our landline which is still down grrr Talktalk grrr BT grrr)

If you've totally forgotten how to do the links I can email you instructions!!

3:26 PM  
Blogger simo said...

Good to hear from you again and have you back in the blogdom!

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there, Kathryn, great to see you blogging again. It all sounds interesting and stretching. Labouring on without a youth worker here makes me appreciate you even more!! xx

Sixth Form bible study is settling down - lots of breaks for half term and speech day at the moment.

Sarah is invloved with some new expressions stuff with their youth cafes. Sounds interesting.



4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kathryn thanks for the comment. I have actually forgotten what it said (my memory is going down hill rapidly!!) But how are you?? Long time no speak at all!!! i'm good keeping busy like my live journal said. Oh i remember one part of your comment now. Yes the work is at an all time whoa!!! At the moment. But i'm sure i'll manage. Your job sounds rather interesante! what's your job actually called?

Lisa xx

8:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*waves* Heya!!!

Thanks for the message!! :D Have missed hearing from you, and am still sulking that Glasgow get's the pleasure of your company, but we don't! lol.

But *points above* Yeah, mum seems to have told you my gossip hehe.

I think you need to get back into the blogging *nods* I wanna hear what you've been up to!! :)

Hope you and Colin are OK there up in the cold cold north.


10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiyerr Kathryn! It's Katy Robinson here :] How are you doing?

Still missing you looooads down here but things are going okay - in the process of revising for my mock GCSEs which are in January.. EEK!!

Anyway, hope you're okay, come and have a little look at my page on livejournal ( and say hello!!

Loadsa love xxxxKatyxxxx

4:32 PM  
Blogger Sarah Brush said...

Is it just me or is this NOT a new post but still the same unkindled one??!! Miss you hun! chocolate provided condolence for a brief while but now is gone (unsurprisingly!!)

7:47 PM  

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